[center][color=0076a3][h1][b][i]GRACE POTTER[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://www.apnatimepass.com/ashley-greene-wallpaper-4.jpg[/img] [color=fff200]LOCATION: The basement lounge and range[/color][/center] [hr] Grace noticed a lull in the introductions and looked around hoping that someone else would go. She hated being in the spotlight. She glanced over at the professor and blushed at his stern gaze. [color=0076a3]"I guess I'm up,"[/color] She mumbled and stood up, tucked her hair into a loose ponytail. Everyone turned to stare at her and she blushed furiously. [color=0076a3]"Hi everyone. My name's Grace Potter. The code name I chose is Typhoon."[/color] She heard some people chuckling under their breath. [i]Yeah, Yeah. Someone so quiet and shy couldn't possibly live up to that name,[/i] She thought to herself and bit her lip. [color=0076a3]'I'm just going to step through here. It's easier to show you than to explain it all. and it's cooler to watch. Please watch from the windows,"[/color] she suggested and entered the range, but not before stealing a quick nervous glance around the room. Her eyes met with a small smirk on Raylan's face before looking at professor Latour. He looked on expectantly. She closed the doors firmly behind her and walked to a spot in the middle of the room where everyone could see her clearly. Grace shrugged out of her jacket and took a deep, steadying breath. [color=0076a3]"You can do this. It's okay. You can do this,"[/color] She repeated quietly. She squared her shoulders and took another breath. [color=0076a3]"Show time."[/color] Her wings unfolded around her. The feathers were a light charcoal gray, almost the color of smoke. Their span was a total of 7ft from tip to tip. The feathers were as soft as silk. She beat them once, twice, and then she was in the air. She rose rapidly and flew a quick lap around the ceiling of the room before hovering 6ft off the ground.Her eyes turned a slightly different, brighter blue and the air around her started swirling. Wind appeared from nowhere and everything in the range was being thrown about. Grace pushed her wings together in front of her and a stream of air shot straight out in front of her and bounced off the opposite wall. Inside the range was complete chaos with the wind whipping around as uncontrollably as a tornado. She stopped after a few moments and lowered herself back to the ground. She looked up at all the faces in the window and grinned, panting slightly. [color=0076a3]"There you have it folks,"[/color] she stated, [color=0076a3]"Typhoon."[/color] She tucked her wings securely back under her shoulder blades and pulled her jacket back on. With her grin still in place, she reentered the room and, in a moment of bravery, took a low bow in front of everyone. She was very proud of herself, and she radiated confidence as she popped back down in her seat and looked around the room once more.