Apologies for the double-post, bust I got this done. Like I said, if you don't think we need or want doubling-up yet, that's fine. But then I'd like to just have it on reserves. --- [HIDER=Sergeant Vincent Georges Griffon][b]Name:[/b] Sergeant Vincent Georges Griffon [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Québécois / French-Canadian [b]Appearance:[/b] [HIDER=Vincent Griffon][IMG]https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/jester.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] Pictured: Vincent and his search dog, Roman, a German Shepherd. Vincent is rarely seen without his co-worker and most trusted companion. He doesn’t have a single piercing, tattoo, or facial hair on him. His eyes are a dull grey, seemingly tired and simultaneously full of ambition. His back is marked with a few scars and permanent blemishes. [b]In-Depth Personality:[/b] Sergeant Griffon is a flexible, constantly adapting officer. He knows when he holds all of the cards, but has never been one to show them or play unless he thinks it absolutely necessary. Vincent has always been an optimist and grew up as that boy who knew from his earliest school years that he wanted nothing more than a uniform and to say he helped people every single day. Rarely does he stick to or make a fully cohesive plans. After all, he strongly believes in the ‘life is what happens when you’re too busy making other plans’ line and refuses to overthink any situation. This doesn’t mean he lacks the ability to strategize or wait for the right moment to act, it simply states that when he sees an opportunity that would help him, he will take it. [b]Character background:[/b] There have been few with whom Vincent has spoken to about his very early childhood, but each scar tells the story of a boy raised in an unpleasant district of Moscow. His father was a discharged soldier with a drinking problem and his mother worked long hours. The situation was a rotten one, no doubt, but when he showed up to school in third grade with yet another black eye that he couldn’t explain without tearing up through the lie, the friends and other members of the family finally got involved. Nobody knew that Mr. Griffon’s problem had gotten so out of hand and Vince’s grandparents took him and his mother into their home in Vancouver. The cross country move was a lot for such a young boy, and honestly he had no idea what was really happening back then either, he just knew that his mother promised that life would get better if he would just do what she said. Sergeant Griffon went to college for two years in Vancouver to stay close to his family, but Canada is large and they knew it wouldn’t last. He was too ambitious and when he got accepted to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, they saw him off to the Academy. After showing his ability to work loyally and under pressure in Toronto, they let him apply for and transfer to the Police Dog Services unit, where he was taught to work with and care for his new, still-a-puppy companion: Roman. After the dog’s training was complete, he was grown and the pair were inseparable. Work started surprisingly slowly in his new unit, still located in Toronto. He was shocked, honestly, after being told it had potential to be a lot more dangerous than his previous station. However, when things began to pick up, they really started working. Cars were flooding the borders, so then-Caporal Griffon was moved to help with car searching. There were so many, they couldn’t search them all, but Vince’s take-charge attitude and ability to tell people things that they didn’t want to hear made him stand out. He made Sergeant just before the evacuation. Next came the hard part… Sergeant Griffon followed his unit back to the city and the force worked hard through the night for barely a couple of days to get the city evacuated. The border was abandoned – at this point, they just wanted everybody on this dying planet safe so they posted signs and left countless maps in the open guard booths marking the location that they were evacuating all of the citizens. There was going to be a military base up North, but when his ride was heading out, Vince refused. He wanted to make sure that everybody who wanted to get out did. He’d be following only a couple of days later, he assured them. Now, he’s just got to get his own affairs together and meet them back up North. He sent his uniform and most of his things up, keeping only what he needed to travel – including his badge, ID, and equipment. Other: Vincent grew up in a French-speaking home and it is his primary language. He can understand English, more or less, and has a working knowledge of how to use it but he is hardly comfortable in it. [b]Equipment:[/b] > Backpack > [URL=https://s3.amazonaws.com/mgm-content/sites/armslist/uploads/posts/2011/12/02/241848_01_smith_wesson_9mm_model_5946_st_640.jpg]S&W 5946[/URL] – 9mm, 2 magazines (10 rounds each) > A box of approximately 50 rounds (9mm) > [URL=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/75/Danish_AR_M95.png]Colt Canada C7 Rifle[/URL] – 2 magazines (30 rounds each), no spare ammunition > [URL=http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/xtMAAOSwD0lUb2SX/$_57.JPG]Tac-Force Pocket Knife[/URL], flashlight attached > A couple of days of preserved foods and bottled water, dog food > Hip holster for his pistol and magazines, the rifle is strapped to his back > [URL=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/df/df/4c/dfdf4c5d3b7f32aefbe9d81eb17a093c.jpg]A Black Hoodie[/URL] > [URL=http://mostcomfortableshoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/zamerlan-civetta-gt-mens-hiking-boots.jpg]Hiking Boots[/URL] > Sunglasses > Wallet and Badge > A harness and leash for Roman, though he does not often use it unless required [b]Weapons:[/b] > Colt Canada C7 Rifle, 2 magazines (30 rounds) > S&W 9mm pistol, 2 magazines, 50 spare rounds > Tac-Force Spring-Assisted pocket knife with flashlight ------ Roman: German Shepherd, Male, 3 years old Specialties – Pursuit and detention, defense, drug sniffing Weaknesses – Does not know how to hunt, refuses to approach the dead; absolutely terrified (scent, movement, every sense feels inhuman and as an atrocity) and confused around them [sub][color=aqua]**By putting this CS up in the OOC for approval, you have read all of the rules and have agreed to have fun. Welcome to the RP, my friend :)**[/color][/sub][/HIDER]