[@LokiLeo789] The original intent was to tank the bolt and block off the tunnel using Grafdakka's rockets, sealing it away from anyone who was at the surface. From what you've written however, the Elicitor wouldn't have gotten that far, so Grafdakka wouldn't have needed to jump off, which also meant he didn't slam his saw into the ground (Which is what caused it to break btw) after he jumped off. And if Raziel used the last second to jump out, then that would mean Grafdakka would still have an opponent to fight while on the Elicitor and would have continued to fight him. I mean as far as editing goes, right now we're at an impasse. You say the GM's told you the Elicitor would have been slowed down and thus they could still be attacked by the Valkyries in the skies. I've already written that Grafdakka sealed the entrance with tons of earth, and having already jumped ship. I think right now we'll need the GM's to confirm the exact location of the Elicitor before we make any assumptions where it's at. Not to mention this also affects Flamelord I think, because he had shut down the external weapons on the Elicitor under the assumption that we're now in an underground tunnel, but if we're not than surely what weapons are still functional and haven't been sabotaged by the demons would now be firing at the Angels, or possibly something that would involve Grafdakka being used considering that if the fighting would have gone on longer on the surface, he would have been launched at the angel's armies at this point.