[@Lucius Cypher][@LokiLeo789] Here's a bit of a recap of facts, we don't even need to bother [@TheWindel] to determine this stuff, otherwise this issue will only be solved tomorrow. [color=ed1c24]- The Elicitor is at least a mile long and a few hundred meters tall as it towered above the mist that covered the valley, parting it:[/color] [quote=@TheWindel] Yes, yes. Fight you bloodlusted fools....heh. [@KoL] Concerning Victoire's attack, it should carry on and infect the mist that's flowing all throughout the Valley. [b][u]However the Elicitor is still several stories above the Valley's mist[/u][/b]. That means its ankles are being corroded, but very slowly. [/quote] This means for once that it needs to go deep to be fully under the ground, the hole can't be less than a 1/2 to a full mile deep, that's for sure, otherwise the ship wouldn't be fully "submerged". [color=ed1c24]- As acknowledged by [@Lonewolf685], the loss of a leg should hamper the Elictor's mobility, that's a fact:[/color] [quote=@Lonewolf685] Considering an entire leg is lost, yeah I'd say that would slow down the Elicitor. [/quote] [color=ed1c24]- So, yeah it's moving slow, but it's hundreds of meters deep. There's not much to disagree here, I think. Right?[/color]