Nate was pleased when JJ took the jar from him. Both her reaction to its contents and the mere fact that she had tried some made him somewhat proud of her. Maybe she wasn't the stick in the mud that she seemed at times. Seeing her mouth the words [i]I hate you[/i] only promoted a smile on his face and slight laugh, which he immediately regretted when his ribs ached again. If he gave a damn what Jennifer, or anyone for that matter, thought about him, he may have been somewhat offended. He [i]had[/i] saved her life a couple of times already after all. He watched Vincent prepare some MRE's but immediately decided not to join him. Field rations were definitely not something he had fond memories of. Instead he picked up the second jar Eli had pulled out and lowered himself back down into his chair. Once Eli left and Vincent returned, Nate was already halfway through the jar. It took him a moment to realise that someone was talking to him but once Vin's question actually registered in his brain, he responded "As long as we need to. Opie over mentioned some place we can head to in a couple of days. Hopefully it's better than the Courtney Love of safehouses we have here." He looked around at the room, clearly disgusted by it, until he noticed Eric staring at him. Nate narrowed his eyes at the kid, curious about why he was so curious. "Hey." he said "I know I'm pretty but you're making me uncomfortable."