[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Nf8gg68.png[/img] [color=bc8dbf][h3]~Charlotte Lachance~[/h3][/color][/center] [b]"A simple trick to know if they are edible is to look at how colorful and attention getting they are compared to the plant. They work to distract the animals from the main plant by providing something tasty and noticeable, fascinating thing it is."[/b] huh. Now that he mentioned it, he was right wasn't he? She had only a beginners understanding about botany, but she remembered reading something about that in a book. [color=bc8dbf]"Hmm...now that you mention it."[/color] She placed a hand to her chin. [color=bc8dbf]"You're right. I'm not overly familiar with plants, though I do have a beginner understanding in botany and I believe I remember reading something about that in some research text or another."[/color] She let Urgoth go and gather more of those nuts, while she inspected the berry bush. She picked a few more of the berries, eating a few of them in the process. At least she wouldn't be going hungry, and the berries were at least somewhat juicy. It wouldn't be a substitute for well, water, but it could help stave off dehydration a bit. She then made her way to the roots of one of the berry bushes. [b]"I forget sometimes how being large can slow even simple tasks down. This one for sure but better to do it right than not at all. Or at least try to do it right."[/b] Charlotte chuckled lightly at this. [color=bc8dbf]"I was told once that it's better to try and fail, rather than never to attempt to succeed at all."[/color] She replied to Urgoth. [color=bc8dbf]"A lot of the scholars in Astril can be pompous asses, but they do know how to get things done. That's something that we're taught immediately upon entry into the main tower. Of course, then you run into the problem of being too busy asking yourself if its possible rather than thinking if you actually should."[/color] She sighed at that, voice taking a somewhat grim turn but she didn't elaborate. It was no secret that a lot of Astril's mages and scholars were of the shady sort. Not to mention, the recent disappearances of non-locals. With that said, the alchemist went back to the bush. She didn't really want to speak any more of Astril at the moment, and maybe she shouldn't have brought it up. Sometimes though, she had a problem keeping her mouth shut. So back to the roots with her. She dug into the ground, pulling up the roots of the bush with some effort. She didn't dig them up completely, no, she just wanted to study them. All plants had certain identifiers she could use to at least perhaps determine what plant species she was dealing with here. At least, if it was a distant relative to a plant back home she could possibly identify it...but no such luck. She also didn't have any knife she could use to cut into the root and take samples with either. [color=bc8dbf]"Hmm...nothing like back home. Roots are Adventitious...it's a berry bush. Similar to strawberries?...might have some fatigue relieving properties..."[/color] she started mumbling to herself again, and was likely already drowning out anything else Urgoth might say. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PkRw7fH.png[/img] [color=00aeef][h3]~Sevita Lanka~[/h3][/color][/center] Sev didn't wait for Masaru to move. She slowly approached the snake, the creature hissing at her in a warning fashion. Normally, she'd approach it from above and snatch it up in her talons, but considering they were indoors...yeah, not happening. Maybe she could do something similar if she could goad it into attacking. She liked to think her legs were rather flexible. [b]"Woo! Go get it bird girl!"[/b] Sevita simply cast a glace back at Yukine. She hadn't done anything wrong per se, but Sevita was a bit caught off guard by the girls friendliness. There was a time and place for such things...but, well, she couldn't help but to feel somewhat embarrassed from the cheering. Normally, something like this would be standard routine. Cheering someone for something so simple wasn't something she would have done, as it was expected to be done. Turning her head attention back to the Snake, she positioned herself for a quick, clean, hopefully efficient kill here. She wasn't sure if the thing was venomous or not, and it would be bad if it was and she'd get bitten. If she had to take a bite she could goad it into attacking the armor on her shins. Of course, the ideal way to deal with this would be to somehow grab its head and kill it before it could even do that. ...it might actually be best to have a bit of help with that. Besides, the fox seemed eager to prove herself. [color=00aeef]"Little fox,"[/color] She said, getting Yukine's attention. [color=00aeef]"I will distract the serpent. If possible, try and grab its tail and hold it at arms length. If you can manage it however, try and grab it just below its head."[/color]