[@Ojo chan 42] Vladimir hunted to his hearts content. He had found large bucks that provided plenty of blood and meat. He even filled his syringes with blood to hold him off when he wasn't near animals. All in all, a good hunt. He had just finished a syringe when he recieved a call. He let it go to voice mail so he could listen to it. When he did he raised an eyebrow at it. Usually he gets calls for missions or emergencies so that was something new. He stuffed his phone back into his surprisingly deep pocket and looked at his shirt. It was coated with blood and no longer the shade of grey it was before he hunted. With a small sigh he ripped the shirt off and tore it into stripes. He tossed the stripes away into a trash can as he made his way to the hotel. He casually walked to the front desk and tilted his head at the woman behind it. He gave a small smile and nearly purred at her. [color=lightblue]"Excuse me...it would seem my friends got here before me...I don't suppose I could get a room key for room 306 could I darling?"[/color] the woman blushed deeply but handed over the key. He lightly kissed her hand and flashed a smile. [color=lightblue]"Thank you"[/color] he took the key and chuckled as he heard her get water. He made his way to the room and plunked the key in. He opened it and walked right in. He saw Jean and looked at the case with a raised eyebrow. [color=lightblue]"Where's Sasha?"[/color] he figured she'd be in the other room but this way she could probably hear him. His skin was back to its regular hue and his eyes were the cool grey they were meant to be...showing he isn't even contemplating eating them.