Head's a bit numb from having slept pretty poorly...but I managed to put together something simple. :P Name: Ansel Horazon Age: 23 Magic: Earth Dragonslayer Magic. Weapon: None. Personality: With the council going after wizards, he had no choice but to take some kind of action. But Ansel still prefers the lazy approach. He'd rather avoid spending a lot of energy in basically everything he does. He's also pretty stubborn, insisting he do things his own way. Lastly, Ansel has no idea how to deal with the opposite sex, having had barely any experience with them. He hides behind a though act, but the things he's looking for the most are friends and a place to call home again. [img]http://pre07.deviantart.net/1903/th/pre/i/2013/179/4/4/ahiko___fairy_tail_oc_by_dragons_art-d6b1rv9.jpg[/img] Exceed: Name: Valier Magic: Just being able to fly like other exceed, but only for a few minutes. Personality: Valier is very distrustful of everyone. Even of Ansel for a long time, though he eventually warmed up to the man. Despite his though looks and having a tendency of talking big, though, he's actually very weak and only has a small amount of magic power. Appearance: [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/28fb/i/2015/116/d/c/exceed_toru_by_chiakiikeda_oc-d8r573z.png[/img]