[@SirSqueakalot91] "I thought we just cuddle, in a very awkward way in front of a camera. At least I did not have to punch you for wrapping your arms around me. Sorry, I am still getting use to a guy, I just marry too." Lila says as she continue to walk as she did not mind being cuddle a little bit by a pirate. She is thinking on whos parents they are going to meet first, "what is your dad like?" [@Pineappletumble] Iris sips on some water as she calms down, she closes her her eyes as she feels a little it better. She notices James in a corner of the room. She grabs a plate of food and walks over to him. "I brought you some food, you seem you are thinking hard maybe some food can calm you down." She says sitting next to her husband sipping on her water.