The suspicious man hastily made his way over to Rakkan with an expression shifting from having suspicions of his own to concern. He couldn’t really blame him for looking at him the way he did, but he did wonder what would cause him to approach in this manner, disrupting traffic along the way. He allowed the man to draw near and speak, turning to face him. Dropped something? That was odd. He didn’t have much to drop from his person without it being incredibly noticeable to him, such as his briefcase. Perhaps this man had mistaken someone else dropping something from within the crowd? In that case he could help find the real person in need of assistance. He followed the gesture to the object in question. Indeed it wasn’t familiar. “Ah, I see that you’re mistaken,” he’d say if he was allowed the time, his attention moving back towards the man after glancing at the object for a brief second. “Let me help you search for whomever dropped it.”