While his opponent was busy pulling herself out of a building, Vol Lok Ra was searching for a weapon. He quickly found one: a thick lamppost at the side of the road, dull grey metal topped by a buzzing electrical light. Gripping it with both his massive, clawed hands, he yanked it hard, grunting as he pulled it from the ground. Wires snapped and asphalt cracked as it came free, the light blinking out and leaving Vol with a large, misshapen metal bludgeon. He'd been keeping an eye on Vincy as he did this, and wasn't surprised to see her pick herself up and come at him again. This time, however, he was better armed. The metal post sang beneath his claws, the metal thrumming in response to his power. He was its master, its rightful owner, and it recognized that. Crude though it was, he could forge it into something strong, something that might give him a chance against this impossible human girl. The lizard growled in her direction. "Again? Are you truly so eager to die?" There would be no holding back, this time. As her brick came sailing towards his head, he turned, his massive body rotating to face her. He swung the lamppost like a bat, knocking the projectile away from him with a mighty [i]clang[/i] and sending it flying down at the ground in front of Vincy. If she weren't careful, it would bounce and hit her legs, which wouldn't bode well for her charge. Vol, meanwhile, was advancing himself, slowly picking up speed as he moved towards her. In his hands, the metal post grew hot, steam curling off it as it began to glow orange, approaching its melting point.