The sound of metal clanging around and powered servos pulsating could be heard up ahead, but it was unclear whether the source came from some mechanical function of the ship [i]or[/i] perhaps a droid. Gavon’s own probe droids had been scanning for life signs as their primary protocol, which may have explained why the anomaly wasn’t picked up right away. Just then a synthesized voice echoed from inside a room a few meters ahead of their position, with an unusual accent that made it difficult to understand much of anything it was saying. Gavon drew one of his blasters, and assumed So’lid would be doing the same, as they both continued toward the sounds. The digitized chatter suddenly ceased and a droid emerged from through the doorway, meeting both of them with blasters pointed directly at it’s narrow-shaped metal head, apparently caught unaware by their presence. Gavon was surprised by what he saw however, as it was infact a droid, but rather an outdated and -from what he understood during his time with Imperial Intelligence- decommissioned model at that. The old [i]B-1 Battle Droid[/i] series that were used during the Clone Wars had been shut down and scrapped per the newly self-elected Emperor Palpatine, essentially ending the war with the CIS and allowing the rise of the Galactic Empire. Although, it wasn’t highly unusual that a few of them still existed considering the sheer number that were manufactured during that time, he wondered if they still retained their memories from the Clone War era or had them wiped prior to being rebooted. “Hello there yourself” The Agent stated plainly, keeping his blaster poised and steady at the droid. “My friend and I would like to know where we are headed. Do you think you could help us with that?” [@Sleater] [@POOHEAD189]