[@Kimiyosis] Will edit in response to your post. [hr] After he received the green light from Paper Moon, Cerulean Knight ordered the tanks under his command to concentrate their turret fire. The streaks of wild yellow that kissed the air changed their aim. Rather than flying past the mounted emplacements, roughly hit its target. The turrets were sturdy, designed as the last line of defense for a city. They wouldn’t go down easily. Strykers, both innocent and outlaw alike, charged their way to the rear of the vehicles while the tanks… well, [i]tanked[/i] the oncoming fire. This scenario really didn’t cater to warriors with their only application currently being serving as secondary shields, and true, the rogues were the main fighters of this engagement, but what the combatants really needed were healers. As Drauni drove back to the small outfit of players situated a number of blocks away from the main fight, Moon took in his resources. Both the War Machine and the provisional troop carrier were intact. If it hadn’t been for the fact that Levi’s assault was cut short by the turret-fire and Sky Knight, perhaps another outcome would have turned out. On top of vehicles, the rogue also had a few more resources at his fingertips. All eight of the Outlaws that were involved in the attack on Drauni’s were spared. They sat before the orange-haired player, with their gazes cast down in wait of imminent execution. Moon crossed his arms and scrutinized the bunch. He was a Sweeper, eliminating Outlaws was in the job description. Yet these weren’t the generic breed of player hunters and ruffians. They were Strykers who had grown angry over the current state of their guild and acted with the best intentions in mind. But now that the denizens of the city have been unanimously united, they were essentially just players who needed the Black King’s blessing. A sigh escaped his lips as Drauni slid down the hide of the War Machine, glancing between the incapacitated individuals and those presiding over them. [color=#FF7F00]”Alright,”[/color] Moon’s voice abruptly pooling into the silence caused them all to flinch. At least he had their attention, [color=#FF7F00]”All of you are going to assist with the shootout up by the front gates. Four of you are going to walk there, while the rest of you pile in that War Machine with this cool cat Drauni.”[/color] Those words made one more head swivel in borderline petrification, [color=green]”Wait, wha-”[/color] Unfortunately, his words fell on deaf ears. [color=#FF7F00]”Now I know what you’re thinking. “This guy?” Sure, he may look a little green, a bit inexperienced, not intimidating in the slightest- but that is but a mere feint! Lemme tell you, this man right here, he’s something else entirely.”[/color] Oh, no, here it comes. That’s what crossed Drauni’s mind as Moon drew in a deep breath, denoting the Ranger’s undeniable downfall. [color=#FF7F00]”This legend right here has seen the birth of a sun and the death.. Of an older sun! He was stranded in the caverns for three weeks with nothing to eat but a week old Dissolution’s leg and a MRE from the general store. You know that person who laid a steamy one right on the White King’s front stoop?!”[/color] [color=green]”Wait, can you even poo-”[/color] [color=#FF7F00][b]”All. Him.”[/b][/color] Well, that had those four particular Outlaws sufficiently spooked. Now they would surely be obedient for the bonafide badass Moon had made Drauni out to be. Drauni face-palmed, utterly perplexed. He didn't know what to question more; How quickly Moon and churned out that embellished story, or how easily the listeners bought it. The remaining four had already gotten to their feet and were jogging towards the firefight, having been frightened halfway through the epic. With that accomplished, the Rogue clapped his hands together and turned to the other three players, plus dragon. [color=#FF7F00]”Alright, here’s the plan: Sky Knight, I’m going to need your eyes in the sky, sending constant updates on the Cobalt Bruisers’ positions. Use the buildings as cover and briefly peak out.”[/color] With that directive handed out, Sky Knight and Fluffy gained altitude and ascended a building to land on its roof for a vantage point. [color=#FF7F00]”Strawberry, get behind the wheel, I don’t want to be responsible if we hit a raccoon.”[/color] Strawberry Baby raised an eyebrow, silently questioning why the hell such an animal would be roam these streets, but decided it would be better to write it off as something “Paper Moon would say”. The mage tucked her hands into her pockets and paced her way over to the provisional vehicle. It felt like a driveable casket. And this wasn’t because its body was mostly comprised of wood. Hopefully Moon didn’t plan to take this thing as his stallion during a head-on charge of valor. That would end short and sweetly. [color=#FF7F00]”And Levi,”[/color] He began as he strode over to their ride and placed a hand on the LMG’s post, [color=#FF7F00]”Hop on this dakka and get ready to dakka any lesser dakkas who think their dakka can dakka our dakka. Dakka?”[/color] And so the little bite-sized entourage set off. As the rickety ride lethargically raced through the streets held together by nails and Mercury Titania Strong Super Glue ™ , players on their way to the main meeting point cheered at the sight of the player whose face was projected over the city minutes prior. Moon reclined and plopped himself down on the vehicle’s flooring, [color=#FF7F00]”School’s going to be hectic tomorrow.”[/color] He complained as he threw his arms back behind his head and sat back. [color=#DC143C]”Hey, you’re the one who decided to have the same face IG and IRL. I have no pity to spare, and even if I did, you’d have to bring a pretty valid argument to the table.”[/color] The girl’s words were playful but earnest. Perhaps they would have been backed by a more potent sting if she wasn’t preoccupied with driving. [color=#DC143C]”Besides, why did you make that decision in the first place? It’s a miracle nobody has put two and two together these past three years.”[/color] With the query up in the air, it would be a sin to leave it hanging. Moon instantly lept to his feet and with one hand on his heat and the other flung high into the air, the boy delved into an enlightening monologue, [color=#FF7F00]”Well, I’ll tell you, but only because you asked. This is a tale of tragedy and hardship. Challenges laid in wait at every corner. It is an epic that is so omnipotent, it can’t even be recorded in the written word. I was an innocent boy- [i]was[/i] being the keyword. It was back in the gallows of Tokyo Hosp-”[/color] [color=#DC143C]”Oh, hey, there’s Phantom Regality.”[/color] Strawberry notified her comrades as she knowledgely slammed her foot hard onto the brakes. For Strawberry and Levi who were gripping onto something, all they required was a little elbow grease to remain within the personnel carrier’s body. But for Moon, who was standing without any support in the slightest and his mind in a far off land… well, perhaps the Rogue’s figure suddenly flying through the air said enough. Yet rather than receiving a mouthful of asphalt, the player guided his body weight with the already outstretched hand and flipped over, primly sticking the landing. [color=#FF7F00]”-And then my mother said to me at the age of five: “Yes, some dogs are indeed brown.” Anyways, we’ll leave that story for another time. Hey, Phantom!”[/color] Paper Moon nonchalantly greeted the Necromancer with a wave filled to the brim with affability, completely disregarded the fact that he almost landed face first into the street. The boy effortlessly transitioned into the topic at hand, [color=#FF7F00]”Anyways, going off of what you messaged me, we’re not attacking the Cobalt Bruisers.”[/color] He stated brusquely and matter-of-factly with a demeanor as laidback as ever. [color=#FF7F00]”In all honesty, that would be economic suicide. We’d lose a huge chunk of our trade routes, and on top of that, all of the other kingdoms would be broadsided by the ripples of the conflict. Since the Strykers and Bruisers would be putting a majority of their money into military expenditures, this would adversely affect the other kingdoms, and I’m sure it’s pretty obvious who’d they would side with. We’re still a young kingdom. Although we aren’t technically constricted by the other factions, we still have to play our hand attentively. One wrong step and we’re screwed.”[/color] Moon shifted his gaze over to the group of players, ready to act in perfect harmony. It was a sight for the sore eyes. It would have been just that much better if the umbral king would grace them with her presence, but that was asking way too much. Something was still gnawing at the back of his mind. There’s no way at Moon Rider would carelessly order her entire kingdom to declare war on one that could easily trounce them. It sounded far too brutish. Keeping this in mind, Paper Moon determined that the Stryker’s leader wasn’t a reliable source at the moment. [color=#FF7F00]”Right now, our sole task it to take out those turrets. We can rebuild them and the buildings that have been damaged, but our current losses are easily dwelled by those we would take if we went to war. Anyways, let’s get a move on.”[/color] Paper Moon readied his Harvest Carbine and nodded in the direction of the crowd. Strawberry Baby felt relieved that she was finally free of that pile of trash. And so the children’s echelon pressed on ready to lead the Strykers to whatever future was ahead of them. [@Mega Birb][@Kimiyosis] [hr] [color=green]”Hey, buddy! You look like a Healer... k-kinda.”[/color] Drauni called out with most of his body dug behind the War Machine’s plating. The five players stared at the imposing character from the safety of their ride, unsure of what to make of the situation. He was a healer sure enough, but the smell of gunpowder still lingered in the air. [color=Green]”We need any Healers we can find, the Strykers are making a collective assault on the turrets! Oh, and these guys are friendly, don’t worry!”[/color] [@Bombardier] (Might add more if this doesn’t suffice)