[i]Well, no use moping around, I'm still alive and the runway's clear... Shame they're still out there, probably ready to shoot anything that flew despite weather I managed to cobble something together or not.[/i] Kyle mumbles as he perks himself up by looking at the many data cylinders around, all waiting to divulge many secrets of the Repblic and the First Order... Just seeing those perk Kyle up enough to begin preparing a rather hearty roast dinner all made from local animals and plants Kyle jumped when trying to explore, within a reasonably short time of waiting the dinner is ready for Kyle, which goes down in an average time outside of fifteen minutes. [i]I didn't think I would've tasted a nice roast dinner for a while... Might want to go out hunting if even the plant's decent. No better place to live out your days then in a place known for making meals quickly really I guess, can't do much else really except for look out and enjoy the forced holiday.[/i] Kyle contemplates outside; a deck chair stands beside a small side-table with the remains of a recently eaten roast dinner, both the man and the furniture facing a beautiful clearing with the ominous reminders lurking off to the side as the sun stands at the top of the valley below... A haunting yet peaceful view brimming with beauty is a second feast and the nearest equivalent of wine act as a marvellous serving to Kyle's senses.