[h3][center]Yukine & Sevita[/center][/h3] Yukine’s eyes lit up when Sevita asked for her help. She was absolutely elated that the Garuda was willing to work with her, especially after reprimanding her just a few minutes earlier. Yukine gave a confident nod. “I had to deal with snakes all the time back home. If you’re distracting it, catching it should be easy-peasy!” With that, the kitsune took a deep breath and her expression changed. Her childish grin faded away into a serious, focused gaze. She looked the snake in the eyes, and then started to circle around behind it. Her footsteps were smooth, calculated, and practically silent. Sensing danger, the snake let out a seething hiss and followed Yukine with its eyes. Normally, this would have been a dangerous game of agility, but the kitsune was confident that this would be a quick and simple task with a partner. Perhaps she had misjudged the Fox. Upon asking for her assistance, she immediately became much more focused and serious. The rather sudden change surprised the Garuda, but it was a very welcome thing. She offered Yukine a brief, approving smile as the Kitsune circled around the snake, attempting to stealthily making her way to its tail. Upon hearing the snake hiss, Sevita immediately focused on the serpent once again. It was focused on Yukine at the moment, and it needed to be focused on her. So, Sevita did the only thing she could think of to get its attention. Snakes, she knew were at least threatened by sudden movements. Since having it react badly and jump at a sudden action, she slowly moved her spear towards the crate it was sitting on, making sure to keep her body at the most reasonable distance she could manage. Sensing danger once again, the snake turned its head towards Sevita, hissing once again and shifting its body slightly as the tip of the spear came into contact with the box, shoving it slightly. It was clear it was feeling cornered, and was likely ready jump at the next movement. As soon as the snake looked away, Yukine swiftly maneuvered behind it. In her right hand, she held her scythe, keeping it away from the serpent lest a glint of metal spook the creature and bring its attention back to her. She cautiously, silently leaned forward, her left arm coiling back as if mimicking her target. The snake was now thoroughly agitated, and if she messed up, they would probably find out very quickly. With the snake coiled up, it made it harder to grab its head, but with it raised up on a crate, it was in an easier range, so it seemed to balance out. And, with that, Yukine stopped analyzing the situation, gave Sevita a silent nod, and whipped her hand forward, grasping the snake just behind the skull. She squeezed its neck so it couldn’t writhe away, and lifted it up off of the crate to take away its leverage. “Got it!” Yukine’s cheerful demeanor returned as she held the snake out in front of her victoriously. It squirmed in the air trying to wrap its tail around the kitsune’s arm, but it was too small to get a dangerous grip. She held it at arm’s length in front of the wall of the wreck so that Sevita had a hard surface to stab it against. “It would be hard to kill it with a scythe, so you finish it off,” she said, still keeping her scythe ready just in case. The Garuda nodded. It had gone...well, perfectly, really. Neither of them had gotten bit and the snake had been dealt with. Perhaps she had misjudged Yukine? The fox had acted admirably and quickly when she was presented with a task. A thought for another time. Wordlessly, she cut the snake's head with her spear, ending it swiftly and painlessly. [color=00aeef]"Hm. Small, but it should provide food for one of us."[/color] She mused, taking the snake from Yukine and intending to take it for herself. [color=00aeef]"I apologize. I do not actually know your name."[/color] She continued, as she inspected the now lifeless body of the snake. [color=00aeef]"I should...apologize for earlier as well. It seems I have misjudged you."[/color] The kitsune flashed Sevita a friendly smile. “I’m Yukine. I don’t mind if you eat the snake, but I at least want to taste it since I helped catch it. And don’t worry about earlier. You were right actually. I shouldn’t be screaming at something silly like a slime ball… even if it is gross.” She gave a small giggle. “But you’re really good with that spear. Swoosh, swift and clean. I can tell you’re a good fighter.” Her tail swished back and forth eagerly. Yukine was actually excited to meet another fighter and wanted to have a friendly match with her to see who was better, but she said nothing about that yet; competitions could wait until they had their settlement in order. Sevita's face reddened a little at the praise once again. She was unused to being praised for such simple actions. [color=00aeef]"I am Sevita Lanka, warrior of the Garuda. Fighting is merely something expected of me."[/color] She introduced herself, dismissing the praise to the best of her ability. She also conveniently left out she was the Queen's right hand warrior. [color=00aeef]"And of course, I shall share the bounty of our hunts with you."[/color] She smiled. [color=00aeef]"Serpents are quite common to be eaten in Vinush. We, unfortunately do not have the finer spices to go with it though."[/color] She wasn't much of a cook herself, but she was vaguely aware of how snakes were prepared. She slung the snakes body over her shoulder, taking a look around the wreck once more. She would need at least somewhere to put this so they could cook it later. [color=00aeef]"I will find somewhere to store the snake for now. See if I can prepare it."[/color] She turned to leave the wreck. [color=00aeef]"It was...a pleasure to meet you Yukine. If you ever have need of me, I will help you if I am able."[/color] Yukine gave a bright grin at having met a new friend and gave her a happy wave as Sevita turned to leave. “Okay. I hope we can have lots of fun working together.” And with that, the Garuda made her way out of the ship. Yukine took a moment to inspect the snake head that she was still holding. She opened it up, and indeed it had fangs. [i]Hmm, so it was poisonous,[/i] she thought, and then she remembered that there were people mixing all kinds of weird things together on the boat and writing complicated books. Even though there wasn’t meat on the snake head, maybe there was some kind of sciency use for it. So, she pocketed the snake head, dragged the crate of provisions outside and set it next to the seeds, and glanced around for the lady with all those weird bottles. She’d know what to do with it.