Lyngia glared at the tray in her hands with hard blue eyes. "You call this food?" she grumbled, poking a lump of mystery meat with her finger. Groaning, the woman dropped the tray on a table and glared angrily down at it. Before she could do anything else, fortunately, the voice of the computer reminded her that she had a job to do, and that she was late. "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date," she sang humorlessly to herself as she headed for the turbolift. It wasn't as though she truly cared whether she was on time or not, but she knew that the captain probably did. She also knew that she should be less angry and grumbly, but seeing as she hadn't been able to get any decent food...... As the turbolift doors opened, Lyngia remembered that she'd shoved a handful of fortune cookies into a pocket on her uniform, and she was buisily searching for them when she stepped out onto the bridge. "Do you really think you can hide from me?" she said quietly, not bothering to look around as she headed for her seat. She wouldn't have even realized the captain was there if one of the fortune cookies hadn't fallen from its hiding spot and rolled to a stop next to his foot. "Get back here, little cookie," she whispered, about to reach for it, before noticing the foot, and the person to which it was attached. Oops. The woman faced her captain, back rigidly straight, her slightly unkempt magenta hair flopping into her eyes. "Captain," she said, meeting his eyes with a cool blue gaze. "My apologies for the tardiness." And for that wonderful first impression, she added in her mind.