[color=black]"I'm NOT going with you!"[/color] She raised her hand and gestured for him to bring it on. Before he could attack she bolted forward once more, teleporting from place to place as she did so. Shadowbird spoke as she was at his side and swung her weapon at him. [color=black]"You really wanna know? You could just ask instead of demanding. But I'm sure whoever you're working for has already told you everything about Whip... since you know so much about me. you must know everything about him." [/color] A sudden realization struck her. What if whoever he was working for were the ones who had powered up Berserker, the ones who helped him break free, the ones who killed Whiplash instead of killing her... Shadowbird's head spun, she backflipped away, placing one hand on her head as if she had been struck. [color=black]"First off. He had beautiful blue hair... and tattoos. He wore the coolest sunglasses and pretty much was shirtless all the time. I never knew a guy like him before. Confident, kind, caring, brave, selfless... amazing. As if you did't know... or do they not teach these things where zombies like you come from, Brett?"[/color]