[quote=@Fionraella] "I'm slow." Xavier laughs before noticing the deer as well. He stops. "What are you doing?" He hisses at Leo, glancing at the deer, hoping the boy wouldn't scare it off. [i]Obviously this boy has no idea what the shit he's doing, but this was an entirely new level of stupid![/i] He groans inwardly and ducks silently behind a tree in case the deer bolted that way. [/quote] Leo got down on all fours and watched the deer carefully. He climbed up the tree he was beside and used the large, high up branches to make his way towards where the deer was. He got to a bit above the deer, continuing to stay silent. ALl those yeaars of harsh training paid off well. He manuevered his way to the closet branch he could get, which was a few feet from the deer, behind it. He crouched on the branch, before lunging forward and latching himself onto the deer's back, having turned into a Lion as he did so. He obviously wasn't a full grown lion, but he was large enough that the sudden change in weight drug the poor, unsuspecting animal to the ground. Leo had hit claws and fangs embedded in the animal's back. He hooked a paw on the chest of the deer, using his grip to pull himself forward to sink his canine's into it's neck. He held it there til it stopped moving.