[quote=@Hawksnest565] "Ah, I know you've experimented in the past on some that I was not involved in," Brianna looks at Hunter curiously. "The hallucinogens are a first for me with shifters. Have you maybe dabbled in them before? You sound experienced." As Ambrose spasms and screams she calmly pulls the pen from her pocket and begins to write down observations. "I have used them before on other subjects. My favourite part is hearing the range of visions that they see." She shows Hunter what she's written down for one of her notes. It's a cute doodle of a swamp monster. [/quote] Ambrose scowls and walks over, grabbing her pad and pen. He snaps the pen in half. "I hate snakes." He shivers and begins chewing on the pad of paper. His eyes were crazed and somewhat distant as he goes and sits on the bed. He looks blankly at a wall. "Ptelea. You shouldn't go out into the forest. Weird things happen there." He rips out a piece of paper. "One two three four. Don't forget to shut the door. Five six seven eight. Don't stay out of home too late." He nods and crumples the piece of paper, setting it in the palm of his hand. "Cute bird." He whispers and kisses the top of the piece of paper. "I love parrots."