[quote=@Hawksnest565] Brianna feels warmed by Hunter's small smile for just a moment. The warmth disappears when Ambrose takes the paper and pen. She sighs and crossly pulls out another pen from her pocket. It was a good thing she usually kept a few extras on her. She taps the pen to her lips thoughtfully. "I wonder what this all means? Most subjects we've encountered have spent time away from home. So many mysteries to the mind and memories." She picks up the paper and doodles a chubby parrot. "Ptelea is the name of the subject's sister." she explains to Hunter and then gestures towards Ambrose. "Vivisection is rarely my field, although I do relish the results of what you achieve. As someone of that background, what do you make of this display?" [/quote] "I don't usually get to be around them when they're given substances. He probably lost the sister? Something related to the out doors. Interesting." He crosses his arms as they watch Ambrose mcFreaking lose it. "Do you think going after the sister would be... beneficial?" He eyes Brianna as he spoke lowly. "Ptelea."