[quote=@wallaberry] Hunter nods as she replied to him. "Very well. I'll have to be if we want at that sister of his. She could definitely be the last piece." He stands up straight and approaches Ambrose. "What are we lying about, my dear Ambrose?" He asks, looking at the boy. "We obviously know something happened to Ptelea." [/quote] Ambrose looks at Hunter and smiles. "Easter Bunny. Santa. Tooth Fairy. All lies. Dad, stop lying to me. Stop making me lie!" He gets to his feet and brushes himself off. "Mom's asleep. I should feed her, it's my turn. Ptelea's asleep." He goes over to the bed, and fluffs up the pillow. "Shh, can't wake her." He walks around the room. "Mom's sick dad. Mom's dying. What did you do?!" He gets a panicked look in his eyes. "She can't remember. Can't remember.." Tears rolls down his cheeks. "All done. I'm done dad. I can't do it."