[@KatherinWinter] Well I tend to wait at max 2 days when I'm specifically waiting for someone to post, granted I don't always wait 2 days, but when I do it's to simply give a little bit of time for the person to post. When it's a roleplay is entirely blocked by someone, then I will tend to put a time limit until things just push on and ignore the character in question until the player returns. the time limit isn't exact, more depending if I know about the player's situation or not. granted story posts by the gm or co-gm usually are things that can't really put a specific wait time or anything on since they are required posts that can get delayed. I don't mind everyone doing like 3-4 posts normally between my story posts, and you did good there since that would be something that gets interrupted by the teacher pretty much instantly so wouldn't of been to good to just keep going in that regard. [@13org] you seriously need to learn patience lol, people sometimes wait for others to post, and other times people are just not on or unable to get on at the time. roleplays do get pushed back to the second page sometimes because there are other roleplays where people are able to do like 20 posts a minute with each person in the roleplay since they are all on and active at the same time.