[Character Type]- Square. Basic, this class is simple but genius. A Square Esper's imagination is vivid. Although lacking in firepower, the multitude usage of the power is used in many ways. Data Appearance: [hider= Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/44dvWMD.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] Name: (Fabre, Aria) Nickname/Alias: Occupation: Student Faction: N/A Seat Number: 8 Nationality: French/Japanese Age: 19 Gender: Female Blood Type: B- Biography: "Classified" Personality: She is a quiet and determined person by nature who dislikes violence. To those who know her however she can be a kind and caring person willing to go through great lengths to help them. She values bonds above everything else and would do anything to help maintain the bonds she has. To many people she comes across as a sad person who is withdrawn from the absence of both her parents. Music for her is where she expresses herself since she feels that words can not pass through all the emotions that music can portray. Quirks Likes: - Cooking - Music - dancing - composing music - peace Dislikes: - busy bodies - disturbing her music - loud voices - bugs - fighting Talents Skills: - singing - musician - composing music - making instruments - dancing Ability: Level 7 Special Skill: Siren Song - The ability to expand upon desired frequencies. With this she is able to control just how loud a sound can become with. This leads to mass damage to a large group of people she lacks the control to decrease the sound to make it where only one certain person is hit with the sound waves. In order for her to use said ability she needs vibration of a sound. She mainly accomplishes this through musical instruments and her voice. She can than create a specific note while targeting a certain part of a person’s brain triggering with it different emotions depending on the vibration and pitch. Beyond that she can use said sound and vibrations to make a persons mind see phantoms that aren't there. Miscs Theme Song(s): Extras: Anything else that is of importance? Type away~