Morro watched in horror as the Illithid took hold of the bartender and... The voice, the very nature of what was happening made her feel queasy. She fought to pay attention to what the monster was saying, but found it more than a little difficult. Finally she had had enough. With force, she stood and brought the edge her heavy gauntlet down onto the table. Metal struck wood, and then bounced apart again with a heavy crack. She didn't know what was making the bartender go more white, the atrocities that were happening to him, or the further damage to his property. When the Knight was sure she had the attention of all, she turned to the Necromancer. "Pull yourself together! You summon the dead to do your bidding, this is little worse." Morro didn't wait for his reply, but instead turned to the Illithid with almost palpable fury. "And you. You are on Three Nations land, and in violation of the law. Release the man, or I'll be forced to take action against you." Though it disturbed her to see somebody used in such a way, she was more concerned at the thought of the monster invading her mind again. If it truly wanted to... 'help' on the mission, then they would have to find a way for it to communicate. She scanned the room for likely people, but none looked willing to help. The Knight sighed wearily. "Would anybody be willing to act as the voice for the... Illithid?" Her request was met by a wave of turned backs and shameful faces. None were brave enough, it seemed. The blur of motion caught the corner of her eye, and she watched as the lizard pulled herself up from the undead end of the tavern and stepped forwards. "I volunteer." Morro turned first to the lizard, then back to the Illithid with a shrug. "Can you speak through her?"