Welp, here's my guy. [hider=Lothric vi Numanori of Kharak] [center][img]https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a3656983305_5.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][h1][i]Baron Lothric vi Numanori IV[/i][/h1] [hr][hr][/center] [h2][u]Age[/u][/h2] 26 [h2][u]Skills[/u][/h2] [list][*]Master Bureaucrat - Extremely organized and capable, Lothric can easily keep tabs on the bureaucracy of his lands and its resources, exploiting them for maximum gains like no one else. His calculations in regards to economics is consistently spot on with a trusted council of advisors to assist him whenever he needs help making a decision on things like trade tariffs, tax laws, etc. or when he needs help dealing with the aftermath of something like disasters or flawed judgement on his part. [*]Master Planner - Through careful planning and endless charts and graphs (and given enough time), Lothric can accurately plan and supply just about any project from constructing buildings to supplying armies. That said, he tends not to actually [i]lead[/i] armies, his tactical acumen is not as good as his logistical acumen. [/list] [h2][u]Personality[/u][/h2] [indent]Lothric is a efficient on a scale which few men can match. Not the strongest or smartest, he is definitely cunning, shrewd, organized and creative. His ability to organize his state is legendary as he sees order as the basis of civilization. This in turn means that he is not above turning to some more questionable activities to protect or gain wealth for him or his state. He's prideful to a sin about the wealth of Kharak and for good reason, it claims a great deal of mineral wealth as its own as some of the best smiths make their home in his lands due to the availability of quality metals. While some call his greed limitless, Lothric actually controls himself pretty well in that regard. Although he's not above flaunting it when he feels its okay. That said, Lothric isn't an especially aggressive man, his own army more focused on the defense and policing of his own lands rather than offensive ability; the few offensive Irondrakes in his army are mostly used as guards for royals and officials and even then having a notable defensive taste. [/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://artefantastico.com/sites/default/files/styles/main_illo_large_manual_crop/public/ilustraciones/mountain-range.jpg?itok=t6GY67c7[/img] [hr][hr][h1][i]Town of Kharak[/i][/h1] [hr][hr][/center] [h2][u]Governance[/u][/h2] [indent]Bureaucracy - Instead of opting for a direct rule, Kharak uses several guilds, ministries and houses. While some argue that this method may be inefficient, its much easier for both Lothric and his lands as it reduces the workload and stress on each individual in the government. It also allows the state to earn more money through taxes, trade duties, etc which is one of the contributing factors behind Kharak's wealth. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiG0LomEptE]Think of this only instead of agricultural goods that produce wealth, its minerals and ores.[/url] [/indent] [h2][u]Population[/u][/h2] Large [h2][u]Demographics[/u][/h2] [list][*]Irondrakes (Offensive Warriors) - [i]3%[/i] [*]Sentinels (Defensive Warriors) - [i]8%[/i] [*]Ignis Magi (Pyromancers) - [i]2%[/i] [*]Clerics - [i]3%[/i] [*]Farmers - [i]15%[/i] [*]Hunters - [i]11%[/i] [*]Miners - [i]28%[/i] [*]Maidens - [i]17%[/i] [*]Youth - [i]15%[/i] [/list] [h2][u]Misc.[/u][/h2] [/hider]