The hiss of annoyance that squeezed its way through Arassel's pursed lips was somewhat similar, but undeniably different, from the brief but unmistakable fluttering of a feathered shaft speeding from a not-quite-fully stretched bowstring. This was soon replaced by the distinctive [i]thud[/i] of an arrowhead slipping through fur and flesh, a half-roar making the impressively stealthy Gnolls position very well known, the bipedal canine twisting about as his muzzled face warped into a look of pure anger. Neither the sound nor the look of anger lasted long, two further arrows piercing jelly and brain as shards of bone broke from the arrowheads and the inside of the beasts skull both. What had began as a rather mediocre journey, drinking rather poor ale and listening to a human who called himself a 'Captain', had become a lot more exciting with the introduction of the Hyena-man hybrids presently assailing them - or at least that's what the slender Elf thought as she slipped from the branch and landed on the ground in a rolling ball, coming up next to Zin in a half-crouch and giving a small tut; he was certainly and Elf, but unlike any she'd ever seen before. Aware that there were yet more Gnolls to be slain, she slipped the bow over her shoulder and drew the leaf-shaped blade from the belt beneath her cloak, a hand-axe appearing in the other hand, both held ready and poised.