As the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk was on patrol, none of the crew knew that there was an artifact aboard the carrier, on it’s way to New York, where the ship was headed. On the other hand, some unsavory folk knew about it and made their move as Flight London One, flew overhead. Some of the attendants moved in the commercial flight to take it over, the one who’d taken the flight deck made a distress call. The crew of the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk had turned its attention to the attack happening overhead, this captured most of the crew's attention so no one noticed the parachutes open mere hundreds of feet above their own deck. As the first of them were landing, another jumped out of the helicopter, which had transported the assailants. He landed on the deck, without a parachute, before he struck he punched the deck and broke through it. With the force he generated in the attack, he’d collapsed the first three levels of the carrier. The ship’s emergency sirens blared and crewmen and soldiers alike began to flood the third level down from the deck. “What happened? A bomb that didn’t detonate?” The captain was shouting at junior officers. “A man? No, impossible!” Not long after the initial attack, there were many loud, shrieks as metal was torn from the ship and ripped apart. “What is that?” The captain squealed a bit. “Sir! There’s a man down here ripping everything apart. Bullets don’t have an effect, we can’t hit him - he’s too fast. We need reinforceme-” The radio died. “Mother of God…” The captain was at a loss for what to do. Within minutes, fifty-seven percent of the crew and almost every soldier aboard the ship were dead. Their remains were too dismembered to be recognized. They had to be identified by their dental records later, when the Navy got to that. All in all, the attack lasted for about six minutes before the helicopter descended on ship to collect the assault team. The mysterious man, who seemed to have the strength and speed of a god, carried a metal box which was too large for ten men to carry. He managed without noticeable effort. Within minutes they had managed to disable the ship and cut off communications, rip the interior and the crew to rubble and make off with the head of Medusa, the real one, contained in a heavily reinforced container such that it couldn’t be easily transported or opened as a mistake.