Victor never took his eyes off the old man even when his mother reprimanded him and he sat back in his chair, he never once broke his gaze. He knew deep in the pit of his stomach that something unbelievable was about to transpire. When Vermont spoke about Ki and almost everyone groaned or let out a soft laughter, Victor simply nodded to himself and continued to watch with intense intrigue and fire within his young eyes, if what the old man was saying was true then he had opened up a whole new world of magic, and this new world would bring the old man fame and riches not to mention how much the world would change, if people no longer were bound by death. The glow that emanated from Vermont's palms and into the corpse was a foreign one that Victor did not recognize and from the light gasps of the other mages, Victor gathered that no one else recognized it either. The old mans gaze seemed to be piercing into all the other mages but when it came to Victor it seemed almost as if the old man knew Victor's thoughts. The words, "This is not Magic..." hung in the air and sent chills up and down the boys spine. Only a moment had passed but for Victor it had been an eternity waiting for the corpse to move and when it did it sprang to life in almost shock. A gasp escaped Victor's lips, but not one of shock or horror, this was a gasp of pure admiration for the feat Vermont had just completed. It was amazing as life seemed to flow into the corpse turning him back into a man Victor recognized, Alfredo, But when Alfredo spoke Victor knew there was no denying it. That old man had just changed the world forever.