Brett's eyes traced her as she teleported from place to place. He wasn't in the mood to fight anymore, he wanted information and he wanted it now. He tensed his body, taking the hit from the staff like a rock, not even putting a foot out of place as he stared her down. The information he was processing brought back glimmers of memories that ran through his head like bullet trains, hardly being able to focus on one before another ran through. [color=0054a6]"Don't you think they would have made sure not to tell me about, Whiplash if I was him? Already memories are coming back to me"[/color] He spoke, almost nostalgically. His expression returned to one of anger as he stared at her. [color=0054a6]"The time I've spent talking to you has already warranted enough punishment from my handlers. You either come with me or we expose you to the public as, Ari Gray, if you have any love for your family you'll come with us, unless you want villains to come running to get them."[/color] The small fragment of Whiplash had vanished in a sentence. It was obvious he was terrified of the consequences if he didn't complete his mission.