There was a brief silence before Vermont spoke again. "I have revived you from death, Alfredo. You are back in Yirius," he said quietly. Alfredo didn't respond. He looked at Vermont, pointed at his face, and fell backwards. His eyes rolled back into his skull and he lost consciousness. Vermont rushed to his aid and breathed a sigh of relief. "He is merely asleep, the shock might've been too much for Alfredo to bear. Unfortunately, although I can call back souls, I do not know what trials they might've gone through in the void," Vermont explained briefly. "I am willing to share my discoveries, but this demonstration is far more exhausting than it might appear. For now, I ask that you leave my premises, and look to inquire further on the morrow." Several of the onlookers took their leave within moments, either with their pride torn asunder, or their curiosity piqued. Wait an entire day for answers? It may as well have been a year! Helga grabbed the scruff of her husband's shirt, and pulled him across Victor's seat in a hurry. She didn't bother rushing her son out. He wasn't a child, after all. She'd never given her husband much room to think for himself, though. Vermont gestured towards the exit, where two people stood at the ready. They made their way over to Alfredo, and carried him out of the room when nearly everyone had left. Victor would recognize them as part of the local hospital's staff. Vermont sighed loudly, but stood patiently, and waited for everyone to take their leave.