[quote=@OldManWong] Honestly, I feel like I've gained a lot more from RPing than I ever will from video games. I only play video games because I like winning, it's gratifying. [/quote] I stand with Kho on those bit about strategy games. I probably know a lot about history and geography from those alone. (Though I'm really into researching that stuff). If it were not for it, I would never have known that Dijon doesn't have only mustard and burgundy wine, but also some really neat [url=http://syque.com/ds/pix/summer_hols_06/beune_roofs.jpg]rooftops[/url] From other games I got a lot of artistic inspiration. Especially JRPGs, with all their crazy scenarios and designs. Stuff like Chrono Cross and Ar Tonelico (Which I take a lot of inspiration from with Ilunabar). But the west isn't far behind, but its usually on the little things, like Spyro the Dragon's skyboxes (And music, by stewart copeland of The Police fame) Some of my adventures across the wild come from ideas I had while playing Minecraft or Haven and Heart. Though on this case I first developed the fascination for the wildness then I went after those games (or mods, in mine's case). What I am saying is, games can bring a lot, if you learn to take cues from it.