Truth be told, Thomas didn't exactly know where to go to investigate. He wanted to figure out how it started but he couldn't exactly ask anyone as they were right now. That kind of investigation was to be reserved for a later date. Tomorrow, preferably, but he couldn't do it now. What he really wanted to know was why the blue guild had begun attacking the black guild when they had largely been allies for a long time. What would a mercenary guild have to gain by attacking their friends, especially a mercenary guild of which the enigmatic blue king was the leader of? Though he answer may lie in the fact that they were a mercenary group, he couldn't investigate that lead either. The puppet master ducked into a shadowy doorway as a car full of Ebony Strykers rolled down the streets passed him. He checked that there was no one around before continuing on, in the direction of the throne room of the black king. What Thomas wanted to look into was the black king. Would an enigmatic figure like that really make such an impassioned speech? Truth be told it wasn't exactly put of the question, there was something kind of... off. The black king's declaration and Thomas's general image of the black king didn't quite line up. The intercom was brought up again as the "black king" issued more orders which only deepened his suspicions. He could be wrong, of course, but he would've thought that the black king would've been more composed. If it was him, he'd already have a contingency plan. But maybe he was wrong, maybe the person on the screen was really the black king. But if there was any chance that he was right then it was worth looking into. A stray thread of doubt has often been enough to unravel a carefully laid out tapestry. The puppet master stopped walking as he saw a large building in the distance. The guild's throne room. Thomas wasn't entirely sure that it would have any answers but he couldn't exactly go anywhere else. Nevertheless, the throne room itself was rather heavily guarded, or so he thought. There were plenty of guards he couldn't see, but he knew there'd be plenty he didn't see as well. Thomas wasn't there yet, but he took refuge inside a nearby seemingly unoccupied building. He wanted access to the throne room but he wasn't getting anywhere near it like this. He wondered why the guards were still there when the black city was getting invaded, but he supposed they would always be there, come hell or high water. Either way, he needed a plan of attack. The building he'd entered offered an imperfect view of the front of the throne room, but even with that, Thomas could see the guards. He considered watching their patrol patterns but discarded the notion. He reasoned that there would be other guards, either assassins or rogues, watching the blind spots. Thomas shrunk back from the window and sat down by the wall, taking a quick look at his inventory. He didn't have much that would help, a few spare weapons and a cloak that didn't do much for his defenses. He activated sense share on one of his puppets. The conflict was under way, though it wasn't quite going as he expected. However, there was plenty to take screenshots of. [color=gray][i]"I can't do this alone."[/i][/color] Thomas thought. [color=gray][i]"Which means..."[/i][/color] He took some screenshots of the conflict before issuing a command to one of them to hide somewhere safe. The other he took control of directly. He directed it to run towards him carefully, sticking to the back streets to avoid notice. He couldn't make a new one yet, his cooldowns hadn't come up. Quite frankly, his abilities were not particularly good for infiltration, and in terms of fighting, he had a disadvantage against assassins since he was good at prolonged combat. But if wanted any chance at all, he'd need more than himself, and he didn't want to call in any of his friends to back him up. [color=gray]"This is something I decided on a whim,"[/color] He muttered to himself as he guided his puppet. [color=gray]"I don't want to get others caught up in it."[/color] He briefly wondered why he was going to such lengths to prove that he was probably wrong, but it bothered him too much to let it go. And besides, he didn't exactly hold his "life" very highly in DGO. [color=gray]"I hope I get something out of this."[/color] He muttered. [hr] [@TheWindel], I think. I dunno who else