[center][H1]Argus Lichfield[/h1] Physical State: Normal Mental State: Indifferent[/center] Unlike much of Arkham, the building that housed the Arkham Police Department had been kept in remarkably good condition. While the rooftops of its neighbours bowed and sagged, the tiles on top of the station had been recently replaced. The interior walls, too, looked like they had repainted within the last six months. They were signs of a police force that was seldom needed, working in a town where seldom happened, receiving a budget they seldom used. They weren't being rushed off their feet chasing bootleggers, arsonists, murderers and thieves. They had it good. They had time to relax. But not anymore. [color=662d91]'Agent Lichfield, Pinkerton. I've been requested to meet with Inspector Lexington about the Atkins case.'[/color] Argus continued to hold up his identification as he watched the colour drain from the face of the receptionist, who only moments before was the epitome of cheerful. Her mouth moved but the words were absent.[color=662d91]'Ma'am, I've travelled a long way to get here. I would like to get this investigation underway as promptly as possible.'[/color] She nodded, her panic subsiding just enough to coalesce into coherent thoughts. [color=bc8dbf]'Yes, Mr. Lichfield. I'll go and see if he's in.'[/color] And then, Argus was alone.