[center][h3][color=fff79a]Daniel Wilton[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] It wasn't looking good. An enemy south, within sniper range, and within range of two cruxi squads. Magus crouched among the buildings at the edge of the battlefield, Daniel trying to take stock of their situation. Even as he saw his allies bursting into action, he still remained, useless. It was probable that he could escape action by fleeing to sector A1, but that was just delaying his demise. He wasn't capable of outdistancing any of the nearest Cruxi, and if they ignored him they would just target the main group to the south. He would stay. Magus crept along the edge of buildings, Daniel's fingers dancing across the console, looking for a spark of power. Maybe if he held still just long enough, he could reengage the electrical field. On the nav, he could see the others making their moves- and they horrified him. There was nothing to do but wait, and hope. He just had to keep out of sight of the sniper, avoid being gunned down by one, or both of the cruxi squads, and not be shredded by the tentacle beast that no doubt would be hunting him. Unfortunately, hide-and-go-seek was never his favorite VR scenario to train in. The sound of gunfire was tapping away a sector away, and Daniel couldn't decide what would be worse- being torn apart by a tentacle monster, or willingly watching the same happen to someone else. Carefully, he brought Magus upright, one hand one the toggle for the electrical field, splitting glances between his display and the capacitor monitoring system. [i]Give me juice- come on.[/i] He had Magus pick up an evacuated civilian vehicle with its one good arm and lobbed it towards sector C2. [i]Give me something.[/i] [hider=Info][color=fff79a]Magus-[/color] [color=0072bc][i]Move:[/i][/color] N/A Capacitor Cooldown: 3-3-3 [/hider]