((Collab: [@idlehands] & [@DearTrickster])) The next day after their plans were generally solidified with an understanding who would be heading where the two mages set up materials for a forgery. Setting a piece of glass on top of two small wooden blocks Kiralla and Gaela had grabbed several rolls of parchment paper and plenty of ink. The conjurer was generally confident in her handwriting and steady hand but knew this was going to take a few tries. “[color=moccasin]I do-don’t make a habit of forgery but this-this is a special case. What do you think will g-get the court mage’s audience?[/color]” Kiralla asked Gaela her pencil poised and ready to make notes. Gaella quirked her lips, studying the looping, spidery script of the Archmage. It was ornate as one would expect and she knew her own plain hand would not manage such an imitation. “Well,” she said after a long moment, then glanced up Kirella, meeting her eyes, “Let’s just hope the court mage has never had communication with the Archmage of Winterhold. Not that I don’t have confidence in your skill.”’ She smiled quickly, her cheeks rounding and then she laughed, “Let’s hope he’s farsighted as well. I don’t fancy seeing that dungeon from the inside of a cell.” “[color=moccasin]We-we may get lucky. If we write s-something outlandish it might be enough to distract them.[/color]” Her pencil tapped against the paper and then scribbled a few notes starting to put her ideas through their paces, “[color=moccasin]We could ap-peal initially to pride or vanity. A man in the p-position of a court mage would not buh-be of the humble sort.[/color]” Gaela replied , “As someone who once apprenticed to a court mage, I’m sure you’re right. He would be flattered at the notice of the Archmage of the College but it would really have to be something...” “[color=moccasin]Perhaps a-a secret project. That only a privileged few are told of no… [i]invited[/i] to… yes.[/color]” Kiralla began slowly with a grin while her mind spun a great story. “[color=moccasin]A project with hen-hints of political intrigue and importance that is surely to-to keep his attention.[/color]” Furiously scribbling away her notes fueled with inspiration. Green eyes sparkling with creativity. Baiting the court mage with strokes of his pride led with personal commemorations to his good work in Camlorn at the his Lord’s side. It hasn’t gone unnoticed by his peers, the Archmage in particular. A secret and rather ambitious project that held some promising results for those willing to contribute. Vague enough to eat up and to cause so much excitement that would wipe away logic or reason. Kiralla felt devious in crafting her lies while feeling an unprecedented power in her words. Her pencil paused over the paper realizing... it was only a lie. Whatever power she held was [i]false[/i]. This letter alone will get more attention than her research had in the past few weeks before being caught in Meir Thorvale. While her research and ideas were genuine it wasn’t nearly as… exciting. It gave others in the community something to chew on but hardly something for them to spark a conversation, at least not in the way she had dreamed it would. The sheer importance of her research had gone unnoticed, save for a few sympathetic ears. Convincing herself that if she didn’t push her publication there would be no way to gain traction in any form, despite how discouraging the current results had proven to be. Her grip tightened and the sparkle faded. Gaela watched Kiralla’s quill fly over the parchment, leaning around her shoulder to try to read the words as they appeared. Certainly something that would distract the court mage, enough to draw the attention of the Lord himself. When she stopped, the healer glanced over at her. “Stuck?” she asked, “I’m afraid I’m not the most devious sorts so I’m not much help.” She noticed the brightness in the emerald eyes dull and Gaela reached over for the parchment, sliding it out. “Why don’t you take a break, you look a little pale.” Kiralla blinked rapidly letting Gaela remove the parchment. She shook her head then glanced up at her fellow mage, “[color=moccasin]P-pale? I suppose a-a break would not hurt.[/color]” The back of her hand pressed to her forehead feeling a little bit of a cold sweat had broken across her skin. “[color=moccasin]I-I am not sure what came over me. Perhaps the gravity of our situation has finally settled in.[/color]” She commented quietly standing up away from the desk scarred fingers wringing her hands. “[color=moccasin]I had convinced m-myself that this was wholly necessary. I-I suppose some part of me…[/color]” Pulling a pained look not willing to finish her sentence. Admitting her unwillingness wouldn’t change anything just slow them down. In turn slowing down her chance to freedom. Pulling her sleeve across her brow she resumed her seat deciding a break wouldn’t be necessary. Holding a hand out for the parchment, “[color=moccasin]Actually, Gaela I-I appreciate the co-concern but we have-have to complete this regardless of how I feel.[/color]” Adding quietly, “[color=moccasin]E-everyone has a penchant for trouble. There is always r-room for embellishment. What do you think?[/color]” She watched her silently and then raised an eyebrow, handing the parchment back. “If you wish,” she said, “Personally I think we’re grasping at straws but it’s better than nothing. I’d suggest lacing the court’s dinner with a potion but uh...well, that’s already got me into trouble.” A small smile brightened Kiralla’s features pulling her out of her sour doldrum. “[color=moccasin]Forgery and accidental poisoning. Wh-what a preh-pair of criminals we make.[/color]” They worked steadily on several copies and fleshing out the document. Editing and rewriting several times before it sounded just right. The midnight oil was burning and their task complete. --- “[color=moccasin]I-I am nervous.[/color]” Kiralla whispered out the side of her mouth to Gaela. The document felt as heavy as a rock sitting in her leather pouch. They passed among the nobles, Fionna and Faruq’s escort of Brynn into the castle Kiralla caught his eye. He looked miserable in chains again. The guards walked the mages through the halls quietly. Reminding them that wasting the Court Mage Mooring’s time was entirely unwise. Clearing her throat in her fist Kiralla said, “[color=moccasin]Absolutely. The proposal we were entrusted to deliver will be worth while.[/color]” Choosing to watch and mask her stutter in hopes to appear more natural than she felt. It felt like she was stepping back into her teenaged years when she was constantly policing her speaking patterns. She forgot how exhausting it is. “Right this way, keep up and don’t get lost.” The guard replied leading on. The guard led them confidently through the hallways and brought them into Mooring’s chambers. Spacious and organized, Mooring had his laboratory stocked with alchemy reagents, an enchanting table, bookshelves filled to the brim and desk space for four scholars over. Parchment hung on the walls while the desk was stacked with what appeared to be journals mixed with thickly bound leather books. Kiralla felt a pang of envy for Mooring having such a large workspace. She was lucky to claim a desk in the library back at the college let alone an entire room to herself. The squat deeply tanned breton sat perched on a stool, clearly getting on his years but hardly could described as an old man. His hair was pulled tightly back into a streaking gray ponytail. His face square shaped with a strong chin. His dark brown eyes barely left the book he was reading when the women entered the room behind the guard. “Master Mooring, allow me to introduce two College of Winterhold messengers carrying word from the Archmage addressed specifically to you.” The Guard stood at attention then bowed. Mooring licked his thumb idly turning a page not showing any real interest in the news as if the guard was simply describing the weather. This didn’t bode well for Kiralla’s confidence. “Very well, show them in.” He said his voice rather deep as a baritone. Now was a time to test their improvisation skills.