[@Wraithblade6] [@CreedTheChimera] Jeffery simply goes scree, letting out a noise of not knowing. Unable to talk, able to understand. The large maggot creature then slinks from the grasp of Illyndriel and over to Minx, who picks up the huge maggot. ".....Kevin, this is now our new pet." She says, smiling at it. "Scree!" It lets out, happy with this. Just then, the Twilight Queen appears. "Oh jeffery, it....oh, hello, dark lordess." She says, her eyes narrowing at Minx. "Oh, hi there stuck-up-butt. I was just about to go visit you. Kevin, this is the healer who can help you." She says, and the twilight queen turns a tad pale. "..K-kevin? The crashing man? The one who died for all?" She asks. "I heard you were destroyed...how..." "I have my ways." Minx chimes in, smirking at the Queens confusion, and horror.