[center] [img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1420137991i/13179167.jpg[/img] [hr] [H2][color=f9ad81]Casey W. Locke[/color][/H2] [hr][/center] Casey watched as more and more teammates/students showed what they were able to do, there was a boy with super strength and he could apparently jump really high, Casey was a bit concerned with his control over it but he seemed to have a good handle so far. Casey watched as the boy just dented a wall with a small tap and jumped a bit at the prospect of damage that he could wreak with that strength. There was a shapeshifter that for his demonstration turned into a snake which of course caught Casey's attention. After that the other teammates flew by and he didn't really notice anything new until he heard a voice in his head which he tried to block out but failed misribly, "That's gonna be annoying..." he muttered under his breath as his turn came up. Casey stood from his stool and cleared his throat, "[color=f9ad81]Hello everybody[/color]" Casey said trying to make a good first impression "[color=f9ad81]I'm Casey Locke...,yes yes get your laughs in now[/color]" he sighed and waited just to let any noise to die down. "[color=f9ad81]My Codename is Accelerator and I can control the vectors of objects that I touch or within my field[/color]" He said before deciding to go straight to the demonstration, He walked into the training room and closed the metal door. When the door was sealed Casey walked over to a 2 ton block of metal and just before his hand could touch it, the block began to circle around him and then shoot away striking the opposite wall and completely demolishing the block. The fragments of the metal flew back but were instantly caught in the freeze field that he had made to hold his tea. He walked out of the room pretty satisfied with his demonstration and plucked his cup out of the air from between the twisted and bent metal fragments before bowing and sitting down.