Ralph smiled at Whiskey's joke, replying "ha, no problem. Have a good day!" As she walked out, the general store owner took note of what had been purchased while he was gone and what would now need to be done. More than just potato chips and an envelope, at least. Fortunately, only the most recent customer had left potato chip crumbs all over the store. First thing first though; Ralph needed to order more stock. Despite the store being almost empty now, it was apparently a busy morning, so he got out a piece of paper and wrote down what things he would need to order. [i]Potato chips, envelopes, milk, bread, nails,[/i] and so on the list went. And with that list, Ralph went ahead and called his suppliers. Easy enough. What would be more tedious, however, was cleaning up after the sloppy potato chip eater. He didn't mind too much, but Ralph had just cleaned the store, so it was a little unfortunate. Oh well, just a part of running a business. Never one to stay pessimistic, he grabbed a broom and pan and began cleaning up. No other customers had come in yet, but Ralph was ready to help anyone who might need something.