[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vWvwmAl.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nsKnPFc.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] TRAIN → GLOUCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS [b]Interacting with:[/b] FAMILY? [hr] Out of the corner of her eye, the one that had three little blue crystal stars to the side of it, Addie saw two of the three boys vanish into a little room. They must've lost something or were looking for something to eat - there was always some crackers or some croutons in the pantry cupboard at home. Sometimes when she ate the little hexagonal crackers her mother got mad when it came time for clam chowder. But was it really Addie's fault that those salty little snackeroos were so perfectly munchable. Regardless of why the two had decided to go off together, it meant one simple thing: supervision was indisposed! When they had gotten on the train, it was one of those two - Maximus? Spangler? - one of them had told the others assembled to stay in the general confines of the car they were in. The others seemed to understand it well enough, with the other boy currently bleeping and blooping ([color=khaki][i]"Is he a robot?"[/i][/color] was the first thought Addie had about him and his bleeping blooping device) and the other girls had things in their ears. ([color=khaki][i]"But then how can they hear?"[/i][/color]) but it was to Addie that the explanation was given more than once. It would have been a bit demoralizing and rude - them treating her like a child who didn't understand basic concepts such as 'staying and not moving around' - except for the simple fact that with her supposed supervision experts all being indisposed with their own activities...Addie was not going to stick to the car she was in. As soon as the two dark haired boys vanished, Addie slumped to the floor, sliding off her train seat as if she had been a melting ice cream cone. Staying low to the ground, nearly putting her hands on the floor and walking on all fours, Addie hurried to the door to the other cars and slipped on through. Most passengers barely noticed the odd looking girl with the crystal blue stars and the shiny platinum blonde hair that was frizzy and had splotches of red paint on them ([color=khaki]"You have to paint your hair it's called a this-guys, duh"[/color] had been her reasoning before the others forced her to wash it out. With a hose.) which was ideal. Just another train in Boston. Anyone who did take notice of her probably just assumed she was currently on ecstasy or some other party drug with how wide eyed and grinning she was as she walked down the center aisle. A gasp squeaked out of her lips and she practically leapt into the empty seat opposite a small boy sitting by himself. The kid couldn't have been more than five, maybe six, but he was frowning and alone, staring out the window. Addie sat opposite him and just stared at him, eyes wide and smile goofy, until he noticed her presence. It took five minutes. [color=khaki]"Hi!"[/color] Addie spoke, her voice not nearly as high pitched as passers-by might have assumed; it was more of a voice like 'that band geek from that movie' as one of her brothers put it. [b]"Hi..."[/b] the kid replied, clearly nervous at this very strange stranger. [color=khaki]"Where's your mommmmmm?"[/color] Not exactly the best question to ask an unaccompanied minor, but Addie saw nothing wrong with it. It was a harmless question! Harmless! [b]"Over there..."[/b] the boy pointed ahead, behind Addie. The little kid's parents, or just his mother, was seated in a seat two seats down. Ideal parenting, what's the worst that could happen to a child on a train. Presently, the red headed mother was engrossed in work on her laptop - much more important than keeping a watchful eye like an adult. [color=khaki]"What's your nameeeeeee?"[/color] Addie had this bad habit of asking questions by really stretching out the final syllable in the final word. Just another in a lengthy list of features that came standard with Addie's operating system. [b]"Brian."[/b] The kid was clearly annoyed, though more at his isolation than the potentially annoying blonde girl interrogating him. [color=khaki]"Well my name's Addie,"[/color] Good thing the others weren't in ear shot or else they might have had a bit of a fit for that, [color=khaki]"You wanna play a game, Briannnnnnnnn?"[/color] Addie was nodding her head quickly, eagerly, egging him on to answer in the affirmative. [b]"No..."[/b] Brian's answer caused Addie to frown, pouting her lips like a child denied a candy bar at the supermarket checkout line. [color=khaki]"But it'll be fun! If you win I'll give you some candy!"[/color] Addie always had candy on hand, though it was not the type of candy anyone should eat as it was either stale or melted or else gotten off the floor and re-wrapped. Five second rule, right? [b]"What kind of game?"[/b] The promise of potential sweets was turning Brian around to the idea. As candy did to most kids. [color=khaki]"The game is...called..."[/color] Addie put both of her hands in front of her face, [color=khaki]"MAKEAFUNNYFACEANDMAKEYOULAUGH!"[/color] As she spoke, loudly, rapidly, she dropped her hands and opened her lips on the side, dangling her tongue in an effort to make a random, hopefully funny looking face. All it managed was Brian kinda-sorta laughing, though it could've easily been a cough. Addie then had to take a moment to explain the rather simple rules of the entirely made up game. It took a small amount of convincing, namely showing that she did, in fact, have candy in the little pouch on her belt, but Brian was playing along with hopes of a gumball in his future. The game continued, with Brian getting candy every time he made Addie laugh - which was [i]every time[/i] until the PA announced the next stop was Glauchester and Brian's mother came along and whisked him away, admonishing him (and Addie) for talking to strangers. Before Brian and his mother left to wait for the exit to open, however, Addie asked to borrow the mother's phone - an emergency, urgent at that. Upon getting the phone - after practically getting on her knees and begging like a peasant, Addie flicked over to the camera and, grabbing Brian by the shoulder, hugged him close in order to take a quick, sudden selfie. [b]"THAT was your emergency?"[/b] the mother asked, snatching her phone back with a disgusted expression on her lips. [color=khaki]"Yeah, a friend emergency, duh."[/color] Addie didn't see the problem in using someone else's phone to take a selfie - the concept of it not being saved to her own device didn't seem to cross her mind. All phones were connected, that's how calls worked, duh. When the train rolled to a stop, Addie shuffled off right behind Brian and his mother, and the blonde tinkerer even followed along after the duo nonchalantly as if she was part of Brian's family all of a sudden. [color=khaki]"So where're we goingggg?"[/color] Addie seemed to genuinely think she was going with Brian, blinking in confusion when the mother threatened to call the police all of a sudden, scampering away from the girl who could only blink and watch in silence. [color=khaki]"BYE BRIAN, ENJOY THE CANDY!"[/color] Addie stood on the sidewalk, waving to the family she didn't have as if she were a relative waving them farewell after a visit. Turning around to get back on the train - just as it rolled away - Addie had to do a double take to make sure that the five others she had boarded with were there - and they were, huddled around some sort of pamphlet or something. They were going to leave her behind! How rude! It's like they didn't even notice she was gone, and she was going to treat it that way, tip toeing back towards the group like a sneaky ninja. [color=khaki]"WHERE'RE WE GOING NOWWWWWWW? BOOOOOO!"[/color] Addie announced her arrival by jumping towards the group, in an attempt to both surprise and scare them, cackling as she did so, as one does.[/center]