It's been an ungodly amount of time since I lasted roleplayed on any kind of forum. About mid-2014, the only computer in the house stopped working, and I was around computers so little that I didn't really see much of a point in trying to join up on a new forum. Thankfully, the two forums I actually frequented were already dead at that point. So I turned to RPing on IMs; Kik, Skype, AIM. But it really wasn't enough, because using a mobile device to RP is really limiting and only hampers your ability to write (or at least that's what it seems like to me). But now I actually have a laptop of my own! So I decided, why not get back into forum RPing? So, here I am. I've been RPing since I was 10, almost 11, and right now I'm 16, almost 17, so it's been a good six years! It's a passion of mine and I absolutely can't wait to see what sort of wonderful stories I can help sculpt. It's also exciting to be in a place with lots of skilled writers, because writing with people who are better than me will only help hone my skills! Not that I aspire to be a writer or anything, but I want to become an excellent one anyway. I like writing a variety of characters (although my favorite to write are typically villainous characters or the anti-hero type), and while I like a little bit of romance on the side, I think my favorite thing to write is straight-up action. I think it's likely because I've been starved of action scenes, but damn does it sound appealing! Anyway, that's enough about me. I really, truly look forward to RPing on this website and meeting cool people and creating meaningful stories!