In the void above them could be seen paraselene, but if Ofnir noticed it he hadn't spoken of it, perhaps leaving its magnificence to describe itself for no words could do it justice. That same void to the south was ablaze with the heat of the fire but to the north the woods and the hills lay cold blue under the starlight and the mountains in the far northern reaches only crudely shaped in the night sky by silent lightning above them. Between the two extremes was the fellowship, weary and already spent, their journey scarcely having even begun. Ofnir did his best to act confident in his stoicism, puffing smoke from his lungs and tilting his head left and right to the sound of the wolves barking. In a half-circle in front of him gathered his companions, a company the likes of which had never been seen in that country. When the rustling and clanking of their gear stopped he stretched his arm forward and turned the palm towards the moon revealing in it for each one of them a pure white ring of the most simple design fashioned from tusks of the beasts that roamed the east by nameless sorcerers. [color=0072bc]”Take each one,” [/color]Ofnir said. ”[color=0072bc]I may be late in this, now that I ponder upon the events of this night. I am grateful it has all turned out well.”[/color] When the rings were taken from his palm he leaned upon his staff and on his finger was seen one just the same. He spoke again. [color=0072bc]”These are a set, each bound to the rest with an intricate spell of unseen subtlety. When you put them on, you will feel them burn. They burn because they are close to each other. That way you will know they are close and you will know it is your friends who are there and not illusions or specters of the enemy deceiving you. It should be useful in the frozen chasms we are about to tread. That is if the enemy does not steal them from you, of course. The further they are, the colder they become. If one wearing a ring dies, the rest will bite your finger with cold and you will thus know your friend is no more.” [/color] Ofnir turned and with a hasty motion gestured them to follow and mount as he did. [color=0072bc]”We camp at the foot of the nearest hill to the north and depart with sunrise. Get some rest, new chapters await.”[/color]