( He is a Re post of my Profile, Added more history to him ) Name: Aidoneus inferno Title: High Lord Age: 400 Gender:Male Allegiance:Demons of Hell Race: Shadow Demon [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/creepypasta/images/5/58/Shadow_Demon.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130529035110[/img] Height: 6 Foot 7 Weight: 150 pounds Personality:Twisted is how some would Describe him. It makes him smile when he kills a angel or a human or a other Human It makes him smile whne a child screams for his parents when he sees a creature in the Shadows of his room. He takes delight in everything that would cause panic in people. He does not avoid conflict he jumps right into them. He does not care who he hurts or how many die. He loves the screams of terror he hears when his forces are destroying land belonging to humans. He takes great Delight in those that kneel and beg for mercy as he shows none History: Aidoneus history is not really known other than he is a high rank in the Demons of Hells. He is one of the very few Shadow Demons or Demons that can control the Shadows. He is known to kill Lesser Demons who do not do his bidding. He views this war as something that was neeed to purge the World of both humans and Angels..So that only demons will roman the earth and rule it completely. A Example of his power is when he attacked a Village of Humans. He entered the Village by himself and stood in the center of it looking out across it. This was in the middle of the night his preferred attacking time. As he watched a village elder came out and looked at him with horror in his Face. Aidoneus just smiled and lifted his hand up and unleashed a Shadow ball into the mans chest. He then walked over to the location of the mans Home and entered it to see scared children and a wife. He smiled at him and then turned away as his men dealt with them all the while screams could be heard. Throughout the night he repeated the same thing screams could be heard all over the village and he smiled at it all. Enjoying the screams of terror. Enjoying the begs of mercy asking why he was doing this. All he said was that they wee in his way and nothing else. Powers: Controls the Shadows Shadow Ball - A Ball of Shadows that is unleashed. If it hits a object.. The object becomes Corrupted Shadow Vines - These Vines of Shadow Trap the user. For most they are hard to break out of as they grow stronger the more a person stuggles in them Shadow portal - This portal allows for one to travel to places they have been as well as allow lesser Shadow Demons join the battle. The portal only lasts a few seconds and then can not be re opened until the next night. Embrace the Shadows - The Shadows Completely Surround Aidoneus and create a barrier between him and his enemies. It can only last for a Few minutes. It is only in this form that he can summon more powerful Shadow Demons. Once out of this form he is weak and needs a few hours to regain his strength Weapons: Sword of The Demons - This Sword was handed to Aidoneus by his father. The Sword is made from Finest Metal in the world and surroudned by the Shadows is only able to be wielded by someone that has control over the Shadows. The Sword is long and sharp. Daggers of the Fallen - This Dagger is used mainly for Assassinations. Why it is called The Dagger of the fallen is because of how it was Aquired. A fallen Angel once used the Sword before Aidoneus killed him and took the sword Equipment: Plate Armor ( Arms, Legs Torso ) Other: Aidoneus will not hesitate to kill his fellow Demons if they fail a task. He is ruthless and cruel. It is rumored he killed his own father just because the Man was weak and he hates weakness