[quote=@ArenaSnow] Ladies and gents, it is with regret that I must leave this RP, this site, and ultimately the world of RP altogether. Things have taken a turn from which I don't think I'll be able to pull back. Don't expect to see me again, besides checkups when I can over the course of the day. I must apologize to [@IcePezz] especially. I had many plans I wanted to flesh out, at least even get them down on something, but I don't think I have the time nor even energy to do that. Farewell, and may this roleplay outlast me by many years. :) [/quote] We all understand, and although we don't know what you're going through, we know it must be extreme and can only wish you the best. If there's anything any of us could do you know we'd only stop short of throwing ourselves off of a cliff for you. Of course none of us probably can help you, but as long as you understand that we'll be here for you should you ever come back and praying for you if you don't. Thanks for being a part of this RP and one of the most dedicated members of the community, there'll always be an ArenaSnow shaped hole on the site that'll never be quite filled the same way