[center][hider=The Commentators: Rob & Griff] [b]Name:[/b] Robert Nivens and Stanley Griffin [b]Age:[/b] 29 & 32 [b]Height:[/b] 5'10 & 5'11 [b]Weight:[/b] 171 & 180 [b]Nationality:[/b] British-American and New Zealander [b]Apperance:[/b] [img]http://noctismag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/unnamed-2.jpg[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] Two Ex-Musicians who's careers took a nose-dive when their record label was bought out by a building corporation. They both had to work jobs as Radio DJs for small embarrassing stations until they landed the career of a lifetime. To be Commentators for the Dystopian Grand Prix. Robert (on the left) is the play by play commentator and Griff (on the right) provides colour commentary and background. [/hider][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x__wdIWXAM]Start Your Engines[/url] [b]Rob:[/b] [i]Well I gotta say Griff, I am absolutely loving the weather today, its always nice to be able to be working here in Sunny San Francisco, the drivers look happy dont they?[/i] [b]Griff:[/b] [i]You can say that again Rob, and they better make the most of it in this light promo race because lord knows most of the race tracks in this Grand Prix aren't this Luxurious, know what I mean? [/i] [b]Rob:[/b] [i]I certainly do, these 10 are a lucky bunch to have started on the sun soaked tourist trap course, and its a gentle intro into the competetion. As we know this is only a promo race to get the fans and investors excited but its still a race that will have some effect on their competitive records and online rankings so I can see them all fighting to put on the best show possible, looks like all the racers are in their cars now...[/i] The crowds cleared the streets and all of the holo camereas began to hover around the track, the crowds at home and on site were all screaming. There was a few fans in the crowd but all individual chants were being drowned out by rival fans..apart from one chant. [i][b]DILL-DAN, HE'S OUR MAN, DILL-DAN, WERE YOUR FANS!![/b][/i] [b]Griff:[/b] Ahh I see #11 Dillion Daniels has a few fans in the crowd, apparently his somewhat wild lifestyle off the track has gotten him quite a following on social media, maybe we can get him to follow us back if he survives this race, Rob? [b]Rob:[/b] Well he would owe us for the free advertising you just gave him.......I can now here the engines roaring, the race lights are about to switch on. I can hear the [b]Stylo[/b] roaring the loudest, [b]Riku Gracer's[/b] Throwback Muscle Car gets a lot of attention with that sound. I don't now how well it will fair though, guess we can only wait and see. [b]Griff:[/b] Riku 'The Kid' Gracer is a bit of a dark horse for this race, according to our online polls, The Cyberpunk, The Mask and The Tech Junkie are the favourites among our younger viewers. But The Rockabilly is the favourite among racing enthusiasts, this should be interesting indeed....Oh here comes the countdown, hold on to your seats folks! [b][u][color=ed1c24]READY....[/color][/u][/b] [color=fff200][b][u]SET......[/u][/b][/color] [color=39b54a][h2][b][u]GO!!!!!![/u][/b] [/h2][/color] The screeching tires was painful to the ears, all 10 cars hit the gas right off the switch and propelled into forward momentum trying to find prime position in the first milliseconds of the race. There were no collisions as the track is fairly wide and gave room to manuver into appropriate lanes. [b]Rob:[/b] And they are off! damn that's a pretty sight, watching the cars fall into position like that, it looks like [b]#13 Alex Sturlson[/b], [b]#27 Jimmy Brown[/b] and [b]#18 Moira McCarthy[/b] have the superior Accelleration and are all pretty much tied leading the pack neck and neck alongside each other, I wonder if this is going to end up with any rough stuff with the drivers so close to each other Griff. [b]Griff:[/b] Well for the most part the rest of the pack is pretty much in one bunch not too far behind them, with [b]Rayla Keroza[/b] in a slight lead of the middle pack in 4th place and the [b]#82 The Mask [/b] a little ways behind in last place, low acceleration but a damn scary vehicle all the same, how will this race play out?