[@Raijinslayer]I'll take that like as a yes. So what happened was that my group was taking on a job to clear out an Orc stronghold. Everything was going well until we came to a certain webbed area. We ended up trapped between a group of Orcs and a douce bag spider with a penchant for blasting us with webs from the ceiling. Annoying as that was, I just knocked out the suckers with a sleep spell and let our barbarian coup de grace them all(I'm a human Arcanist,the barbarian is a Skinwalker and the rest of the group consists of a kitsune cleric and mogogol(frogman race) Nightstalker). However, while that was happening, the GM rolled a bat one on the spider's climb check, causing it to fall(yeah) as well as it's two egg sacks(fuck). The barbarian was able to kill the spider easy, but then we spent an hour trying to kill those fucking swarms, because they decided to crawl all over me and the nightblade because we were currently webbed to the floor. Need I mention that these swarms has poison that did str damage, which was the check I needed to make to escape the web. In the end, we had to beat my character(who became unconscious from the Str damage and also kinda dying as well) with unarmed strikes in order to get the swarm off me. We almost got TPK'd by those stupid swarms, plus my guy is now afraid of spiders now.