[center][h1][color=limegreen]Aelin[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] A lot of things had happened during the night, and Aelin was barely keeping up. Before finding his horse he had taken five bottles of wine and some bread from the tavern, figuring they wouldn't be missed. The entire village had gone to chaos within a few minutes, and there was nothing Aelin could do to help. Instead, he rushed through the streets to meet his group. [i][color=limegreen]Everyone seems to be alive and intact, thank the Valar for that..[/color][/i] The elf stretched out his pale hand and accepted Ofnir's gift with a sad look on his face. There was no turning back now, and he would follow this man to death if it ever came to that. [hr] After arriving to the campsite and unsaddling Valko, Aelin lit a lantern and placed it on the ground. It would be a long and cold night, but he'd do his best to keep the group warm - Both physically and within their minds. Soon, a song filled with serenity and harmony begun echoing in the darkness.