When he stood there in front of the door, his muscular dark figure was overwhelmed by the fighting shadows and sunlight about his form. He breathed out as the alarms annoyingly blared out into his fish-like ears. Finally stepping onward into the hallway, he had then shown his six foot tall figure, blue skin reflecting the sunspears like a diamond. The wavelengths of light had his obsidian black hair stick out, as did his unusual and inhumane scales.. his fins residing underneath his blue forearms. With a nervous smile, he was then showing his enhanced canines, that were sharp, and a beautiful, flawless white. He would look like a king of an imaginary world of fish-people; yet his clothes said otherwise. His pants tore at the bottom and his torn asunder trench coat wrapped around his waist and tied tightly to cover his private area. The unknown Atlantean moved his hands up, to show he had no weapon. "I--" He hesitated, staring at the two people. "I uh, don't know my name." "But I do know, I came here because I'm completely lost. .. Also, where are your gills?"