Less of a rant, and more of me talking about a bit of anxiety. Nothing much. The role-play I am involved on appears to be at the verge of death. At least it seems like it is. Now, I could be being a bit overly concerned about this, I certainly won't strike it off as a possibility. I'm sure someone will tell me if I am acting that way. The OOC has at times no posts in it at all for days, and the IC hasn't been updated by someone other than me in 14 days. I'm well aware that posting times are different for everyone, and some very good posts have come out with longer periods of time. I just can't help but have this feeling. I'm sure everyone's seen a role-play die due to a lack of interest over time. It's not particularly new, but it does get a bit frustrating when it happens. Really, I'm sure it's all me being worried over nothing, but I have seen other concepts die in a similar amount of time, and perhaps that's why I'm slightly worried. If any of the people in the role-play I am currently in are reading this, no offense has been meant. Like I said, I'm just slightly worried. My apologies for the rambling.