Suddenly something hit Ansel on the head. He jerked awake, sitting up and flailing an arm around him to get back at whomever was hitting him. "Whuh?! I'll bury ya for that!" He exclaimed. Though his fist wasn't hitting anything. As this time Valier was prepared for the fist coming towards him and had ducked out of the way. "Your own fault for being such a deep sleeper! Wake up ya lazy ass and listen!" The cat scolded him, pointing towards the cave entrance. It took Ansel a few moments to get his bearings, but then he heard it too. "I'm not scared!" was the only part he heard though. "Ugh, this is getting annoying..." The man grumbled, rubbing his eyes as he got to his feet. "And I was having a nice dream this time too..." "Let me guess, you were eating magma rocks again?" "Yes, but still!" He protested. It was time to do his little angry spirit act again though, so he headed out once again. Once he was about 60 feet away Ansel came to a halt. There was still plenty of space between him and this woman whom had decided to challenge him for the forest to keep him from being seen. He then raised one foot, a small magic circle appearing beneath it as he did. Then, putting a bit of strength into it he stomped the ground. His foot immediately caused the ground in quite a large area to tremble similar to a small, but noticeable earthquake. [i]"Let's see how brave you really are..."[/i] He thought as he listened for the woman's reaction.