[@Bright_Ops] The trumpets blared announcing the last wedding. The sun was starting to set over the horizon. It's was dusk now. The last wedding had been scheduled for night by request from the groom. As the trumpets announces that the wedding was about to begin a dwarf of a man approached the groom's room. He knocked on the door. [color=bc8dbf]"Sir. It's time for you to take your place."[/color] [@KindledBeast] Roxy glared Roman. She was pretty sure that he had misunderstood her father. [color=silver]"He meant he doesn't want you to get so caught in taking care of the kingdom that you forget to take care of me, you moron."[/color] he thought it was nice that her dad was worried about her. While the kingdom's needs had to come first she didn't want to be lost in the chaos.